
Well we have kissed the winter goodbye and hope we won't see another one like this one for quite a while, there is more snow on the mountain now than in the middle of the season. but lets change to the spring ; warmer temperatures and a garden that is looking great, keiko and I are busy painting up some rooms and to date we have finished motel 3 and the kitchen. also we are exploring some new mountain bike tracks with the kids so we can keep you up to date on the best tracks to ride. So if rest and recreation and good food is your cuppa tea come and give us a ring .



We're in the middle of the winter season ,it has snowed and it has been very warm .As winter records go this one is at the moment on par with 97 i.e. very low levels of the white stuff, however the company and food is still great with many of our regulars returning for their bit of fresh air and culinary delights, with snow forecasted again we can hopefully look forward to another month of enjoyable skiing and boarding.



Winter is here ,it just got cold and the snow seems to be staying on the mountains ,we are just about to finish the last of the renovations for this year by putting the roof on the new veranda in front of the dining room ,also  the hostel dorm rooms have had new carpets laid a a fresh coat of paint ,new lino in the showers, toilets and motel 1 and new windows upstairs. Springfield has a new tourist attraction in the form of horse riding at Kowai Bush ,it is a great addition to the farm visits and jet boating and should prove popular with our guests. another place to see now is Cave stream ,which was the film location for The Lion ,Witch and the wardrobe http://adisney.go.com/disneypictures/narnia/index.html



After a month of dry weather we finally got some rain to water the garden ,at least it saved on the mowing. we are slowly easing into the autumn with the days getting shorter and the temperatures a tad cooler. However these temps make you want to get the mountain bike out and head up into the Craigieburn forest park for some riding or test out the new golf club at the golf courses nearby.